We are in no way encouraging you to drink alcohol and then play with the stove. We are trained professionals* under close supervision**, and are fully prepared in case of emergency***.
2) We must purchase all ingredients before drinking begins. We do NOT drink and drive.
3) We must choose a recipe, and then start drinking. After at least two drinks, we begin baking
4) We must drink the country-appropriate beverage while baking a treat from said country
5) We must choose the country for the NEXT session at the end of the current one.
6) We must consult our email ( to see if anyone has left a recipe for us to try. If there is no recipe by Friday afternoon, then we are free to Google and choose at will.
*this is a lie
**we are supervised by someone not quite as drunk as we are
***First aid kit, fire extinguisher, phone pre-dialed with 9-1